Birds Of A Feather – The Vulture Kind
by NVN Editor Michael Knight
It’s one thing to look out the window and see several species of birds sharing the seed from the feeder, each taking its fill before flitting into a nearby branch as another takes its place.
For them, there’s always enough to go round.
It’s another thing to wonder why we live in a world of avaricious psychopaths who obviously want to share nothing and take everything.
Many writers these days would say that sums up America. And to a great degree, they’d be correct, because for generations the United States has been openly or covertly overthrowing or destabilizing governments around the world, or invading countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq, leaving millions dead in their wake.
Millions more have been displaced as refugees.
The call today is for more war yet – this time with Russia (if Russia will take the bait).
America has put itself above the law, believing that what America wants, and what America says, IS the law.
The same goes for Israel. And anyone who says that any criticism of Israel is “anti-Semitic” should do something different for a change, like, build a bridge and get over it. Or pass a law that also makes it illegal for any Israeli to say anything that is “anti-goyim.”
But let’s be clear. Not all Israelis are warhawks. Those that aren’t you simply don’t hear about in the Western media – at least not very often.
The western media, mostly owned by corporations that like the idea of war, is no more than a Ministry of Propaganda, and they’re very successful at convincing people that war is a must.
Meanwhile, there are Jews who remember when their ancestors were refugees – and they have the heart to help those who are in similar straits today.
But there are others whose mission in life is to wage endless war.
We should also include in this flock of vultures Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, and most of Europe, or at least all those in the NATO alliance. These are the lapdog countries that do the bidding of the money-makers, the bankers, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
What’s most difficult to comprehend however, is that the leaders of these countries, who must know soon after they are elected that they must serve their masters and not their people, show no signs of discomfort as they smile and lie and lie and smile and lead the world to war…again…and again…and again.
It’s horrific, but war itself has been tipped on its head. Where once it was soldiers who fought battles to the finish and the victors were the heroes, today, civilian casualties outnumber those in the military.
Literally millions of civilians have been killed in wars and genocides in less than 100 years.
But STILL the chicken-hawk warhawks prepare their people for more war, more death, more “heroes” to come home from killing women and children…and maybe kill themselves as a result. (One estimate says as many as 22 returned servicemen and women commit suicide per day in the US alone).
Top that off with literally millions of refugees on the move right now, doing their best to escape war zones and death, only to find starvation or disease as their future. Provided they’re lucky enough to avoid being tortured, raped, and beheaded.
Do our governments care about that?
Obviously not.
Sure, they say “we must defeat these terrorists” but they never do. Instead, we find multiple groups of “terrorists” springing up around the world, and each “new” threat is cause for more war and more profits for the military-industrial complex.
Governments rant about spreading democracy by taking down the leaders of other countries, such as Hussein in Iraq, Qaddafi in Libya, and now Assad of Syria. And they leave those countries in ruins.
Instead of banding together to solve the planet-killing release of radioactive material into the Pacific from the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan, they talk casually of obliterating each other with nuclear bombs and missiles. Not a word said about the obliteration of their own citizens though.
Nor does this group of western powers do anything but support its own gang members, or else they turn a blind eye to the atrocities they come up with. Saudi Arabia can behead people and cut off hands and publicly lash a person a thousand times, with no peep of protest from the US or anyone else. Why?
“How could trillions of dollars be laundered from the Wash DC regime to Saudi Arabia? Why, through Citigroup, of course.” (…) “Is the US laundering money to Saudi Arabia through Citigroup in order to “hedge” against, or compensate Saudi Arabia for the drop in oil prices?” (Sure looks like it …..) (Source)
Israel can kill two thousand people in Gaza and virtually nothing is said. Or they can break their 1974 cease fire agreement with Syria and send in a helicopter to kill half a dozen Hezbollah leaders.
Later we hear a UN observer saying they saw two drones go over the ceasefire line, then return after a cloud of smoke rose in the distance. This tells us that the mainstream media was either misled by or was covering for Israel when it first reported that Israel had used a helicopter to make the strike.
As for the drones – they could have been piloted from anywhere in the world.
The International Criminal Court has started a preliminary inquiry into war crimes committed by Israel in the Palestinian Territories. Now, Israel’s Netenyahu is asking ICC donor countries to drop their funding – a clear sign that Israel has everything to lose and nothing to gain if such an inquiry leads to serious charges. In fact, “Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on Sunday urged his Palestinian counterpart to renew peace talks instead of pursuing efforts at the International Criminal Court or United Nations.” (Source).
It will indeed be an interesting year – but as for “democracy”….
Who Really Rules America?
“A new study from Princeton spells bad news for American democracy—namely, that it no longer exists. Asking “[w]ho really rules?” researchers (,,,) argue that over the past few decades America’s political system has slowly transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where wealthy elites wield most power.”
“The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.” ~~Henry Louis Mencken |
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